Your official swim time will begin when the timing device for your bib number is activated as you push off of the pool wall. When you get out of the pool and cross over the timing mat leading into the locker room, your swim time will be completed.
Yes, the very short walk from when you get out of the pool until you cross the mat will be part of your swim time. If you are comparing your swim time to previous GNT swim times, you may see a slightly longer or shorter swim time depending on what lane you were in. BUT, remember, it is all relative, as everyone will be timed the exact same way and your total race time will be comparable to prior years.
Lap Counters
Why do you use lap counters and swim cards if you use electronic timing and I’m wearing a timing chip?
For those racers who are seeded or who purchased a lane bid there will be lap counters for your 400-yard swim.
Why do you use lap counters and swim cards if you use electronic timing and I’m wearing a timing chip? (yep…..asking it again)
The answer is two-fold: first, it helps the lap counters keep track of your laps; and secondly, if there is a question about your swim time, we have written backup. Since you’re not swimming from point A to point B for a solid time, the race directors can tell from your swim card if, say, you swam an extra lap by mistake or, forbid, you shorted yourself a lap and only swam 6 laps… you certainly don’t want to do that! The lap counter will count for you, but ultimately it is your responsibility to know how many laps you have completed.